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Where is Triple-R ?

| Friday, March 31, 2023
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Sorry for the lag in posts, however we are currently up in the cold.. Yup, we are in Maine and the weather still isn't We had to make the journey north as we had some personal medical appointments to wrap up during the month of April. Rest assured we are returning at end of month and will pick up where we left off.

Looking forward to getting things up and running, and again picking up where we left off in the process. Still have a few things to set up such as LLC. Getting another vehicle for transports / pick ups etc. and a few other odds and ends. Just need to get through things here and we are on the way.. in the mean time feel free to peruse what is here and over on Facebook. Leave us a comment, suggestion, or questions and we will respond as soon as possible.

Where is Triple-R ?

Posted by : FRED
Date :Friday, March 31, 2023
With 0Reviews


| Tuesday, March 28, 2023
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 Came across a piece I did many years ago. Had forgotten about this roll top breadbox I had finished and painted. It now belongs to my daughter and she proudly displays it in here home.

Always nice to see your work from times past still surviving and being used. This to was a rescue headed for a landfill... not on my


Posted by : FRED
Date :Tuesday, March 28, 2023
With 0Reviews

Recent saves..

| Saturday, March 11, 2023
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 Nice tall, simple bookcase Overall condition was Grade-B, A little clean-up and it blended well in our daughters library. Another piece that was destined for the landfill, with still much use and function. Had I decided to sell this piece I probably would have charged around $25-30.00 for it but alas, my daughter claimed it. 


This was part of a 3 piece credenza, desk combo. Cleaned, refurbished and now hangs in our entryway at the base of the staircase as an organizer for mail, keys, etc. Perfectly good usable piece repurposed, functional and a great addition.

Recent saves..

Posted by : FRED
Date :Saturday, March 11, 2023
With 0Reviews
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